Page with a title, short description and link for each resource listed in a list of useful resources for people learning to fly. The links would be categorized so that the page would display groups of links in each category.


Airman Certification Standards - Private Pilot Airplane

PPL Requirements Checklist (Part 61)

PilotEdge CAT Ratings Program

Aviation Phonetic Alphabet (Flight Service)

National Aviation Weather Center Weather Forecasts

FAA Taxi Diagrams

SkyVector Aeronautical Charts

Cessna 172S POH (Training Only)

VFR Navigation Log (pdf)

Landing Tutorials

VOR Navigation Tutorials

Schedule the Written Exam

Schedule a Medical Exam (MedXPress)

Find an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME)

Apply for a Pilot's License (IACRA)

Find a Flight School

Best Online Ground Schools Reviewed (with Links)